Pomeranians are our friends so we must care for them through all their different life stages. If you are a new dog owner, then you might be wondering “When do Pomeranians lose their baby teeth?”. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
So, when do Pomeranians lose their baby teeth? Pomeranians are born toothless and remain so until after about 6-8 weeks when they get their first set of teeth, or “baby teeth”. After about 4 months, they tend to lose them like most other dog breeds to make room for their permanent set which grow durings months 6-8.
In this article, we will answer all pressing questions about Pomeranians losing baby teeth and how to help. But, before we delve into that, let’s talk about why they lose them.
Why Do Pomeranians Lose Their Teeth?
Losing baby teeth is a natural part of life for most animals and baby Pomeranians are not an exception. While there is not a specific date on which all their baby teeth will fall out, it usually happens around the 4-5 month mark and this can be an uncomfortable time for both you and your pup since there will be many changes that you will both have to get accustomed to.
In general, baby teeth are developed to make nursing more comfortable for the mother. Just imagine breastfeeding a baby with fully grown teeth! That is bound to hurt. When the natural breastfeeding stage has passed and the puppy is ready to move on to solid foods, these baby teeth become useless as they are too soft and fragile to chew, and could break, which would be quite painful for your Pomeranian.
In response, the body naturally starts to develop bigger, stronger, and more resistant teeth that will grow and push out the old baby teeth. This will then allow your Pomeranian to eat solid foods and avoid chipped and broken teeth.
As mentioned before, your Pomeranian is not expected to have all permanent teeth until around 6-8 months old, so you will be seeing a lot of gums for a while. If they have not fully grown by month 8, don’t fret. This is not a cause for concern as you might just have a late bloomer on your hands. Just be patient and allow nature to take its course.
What Happens When Pomeranians Lose Their Baby Teeth
When Pomeranians lose their baby teeth, there are several changes that they will go through that you will have to prepare for. To determine the best course of action in terms of caring for your puppy, you will have to know what to expect. Some of these include:
Pain, Discomfort, and Itching
When a baby Pom loses their baby teeth, they’ll experience some level of pain, discomfort, or itching. To relieve the pain and discomfort, they will seek comfort by chewing anything they can get their paws on. That means your shoes, your house, and even your fingers will be at risk. This is because they don’t know what will help and will chew and chew until they find out their answer.
Bleeding and Drooling
It’s normal to see a bit of blood on a baby Pom’s gums where a baby tooth fell out and there will be traces of it on whatever was chewed. If it is excessive then something might be wrong. You can also expect excessive drooling when Poms lose their baby teeth.
It isn’t uncommon for your teething Pom to experience an upset stomach or diarrhea. Stomach pains can be caused by a lack of appetite and general nausea. Poms can experience diarrhea when they swallow excess drool and gum blood. It can also be caused by the many different objects they choose to chew on and what is ingested behind your back.
During this time, you have to be extra careful. Try to avoid feeding the regular diet for up to 12 hours until the stool hardens, and stomach pains stop. Be sure your Pom drinks plenty of fluids, especially water, to avoid dehydration since this can cause more problems and discomfort.
What You Can Do About It
As a dog owner, it isn’t a nice feeling to see your dog in pain. So, kudos to you for finding out how you can help!
When Pomeranians begin to lose their baby teeth, here are some things you can do to make this natural process easier on everyone:
Chew Toys
You should equip your Pom with the right chew toys, including dental chews, that encourage the growth of strong, healthy teeth and jaws. Some chew toys that are great for teething Poms are:
- Textured to scratch itchy gums.
- Flavored which will be attractive to your dog.
- Squeaky and provide entertainment.
Chew Proof Home
Avoid losing your favorite items to a teething Pom by:
- Putting away shoes.
- Locking your doors.
- Keeping important documents out of reach.
- Tucking away electrical cords.
- Combing floors for any small objects that could be swallowed.
- Placing childproof locks on low cabinets and cupboards.
- Building a time out pen to discourage bad behavior.
Numbing Gel and Ice Cubes
Numbing gel offers pain relief and discourages bad behavior. Add it directly to the gum or on a chew toy.
Poms can also lick an ice cube to relieve discomfort and stay hydrated. You can even make flavored cubes by freezing low salt chicken stock that will make licking more attractive.
Train Away Bad Habits
When your Pom tries to chew something that it shouldn’t, you should discourage this bad habit. To do this, you will need to interrupt, redirect, focus, then reward.
- Interrupt: Shout “no” or “bad” in a loud voice. Clap or pull the object away.
- Redirect and focus: Offer to make a trade with a chew toy.
- Reward: Show affection by offering a treat or say “Good boy/girl” in a happy tone.
Trips to the Vet
Trips to the vet allow your Pomeranian to get examined by a professional who can detect any problems early on and offer useful advice specific to your Pomeranian.
Let It Happen Naturally
Don’t try to remove a loose tooth since that can cause even more pain as the tooth can break at the root and cause an infection.
Risk of Retained Teeth
With teething, there is always the risk of your Pomeranian retaining baby teeth. This isn’t a good thing since it can cause overcrowding and discomfort.
Determining if your Pom has retained teeth is quite easy and isn’t something you need a vet to identify. All you have to do is look inside of their mouth and if you see a baby tooth where an adult tooth should be. If both are there then there are retained teeth.
The danger of retained teeth for Pomeranians is that they can displace the new set of teeth and cause them to grow at an abnormal angle. It may also cause jaw deformation and problems chewing.
Retained teeth may also cause scraping against the sides and roof of your Pom’s mouth, which not only causes discomfort but can also cause cuts that run the risk of infection.
As soon as you locate retained teeth, you should tell your vet. That’s the only way you can ensure your Pom’s health and comfort. They’ll be able to remove them and advise you on how to care for your dog during this time.
Final Words
When baby Pomeranians begin to lose their teeth, you’ll be fully equipped to handle what this phase throws your way. Remember that this is a natural process and that you should let it happen in the way that nature intended. Assist your Pom by offering them chew toys or pain relief, but never try to remove them on your own. Good luck!